Module VI-Atmospheric Systems, Climate & Cultural Connections

How are the Earth, atmosphere and cultures all connected?
The atmosphere is to the Earth as an energy sphere is to the Star Wars Gungans. Without these protective forces, life would cease to exist!

Gungan energy sphere.

The Earth’s atmosphere not only contains the air we breathe; it protects us from harmful radiation, it traps heat from the sun and it regulates the Earth’s climate.

Just as water currents circulate through the oceans; air currents travel around the Earth acting as a transportation system. The Arctic is evidence of this. Although the Arctic has few significant pollution sources, contaminants arrive from industrialized economies via wind and water currents. Low temperatures and limited sunlight slow the decay of contaminants, and biological processes concentrate some of them to dangerous levels.

Those who thrive in the Arctic do so through a subsistence lifestyle. Spiritual ties to the environment are strong and the wildlife harvested forms a basis for society, culture and economy. Unfortunately, the transportation and accumulation of contaminants is affecting the Arcitc way of life. Contaminants are bioaccumulating in traditional foods and may even be entering the milk of nursing mothers. 

It has been said that “we all live down river” when it comes to atmospheric circulation. The Arctic is proof of this and the resources presented in this module help students appreciate this concept.

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